Following a weary round trip traverse of about 15000 km, the bell, sponsored by PDG Prabhat Rohatgi returned to Asian shores and was inaugurated by PRID Shekhar Mehta, DG Ajay Agrawal, President Purnendu Roychowdhury at the glittering installation function of our Club on 2nd July 2019.
Thereafter, the bell has not had a moment’s rest, being whisked away to various locations and being co-opted into service for being rung during meetings by birthday and anniversary girls and boys! And so, it has found a place next to the Sunshine Box. So, dear bell, please keep your brass and wood sinews together for another century of delight!

The bell is a proud symbol of the Rotary Club of Calcutta, embodying all the energies, the service history, the glorious fellowship starting from Pelitis. The bell is our timeless memorial that future Rotarians, perhaps not even born yet, will carry forward into the next millennium!

The club has its own crest.There are severalpieces of symbology in the crest. The expression “per arduastabilisesto” be firm through difficulties — is inscribed upon it. There is a lion,schooner, two adjutant storks and the Rotary Wheel – all embedded in a classicframe.
Our stamp features our Rotary Sadan next to the iconic Victoria Memorial. Some of the earliest Chakas are presented here. An interesting correspondence with Keokuk Rotary Club, Keokuk, Iowa, United States is also presented for the interest of the readers!