Dear Immediate Past President Purnendu and Rotarians and Rotaractors of the Rotary Club of Calcutta:
With the completion of the Rotary year 2019-2020, my wife, Gay, and I look back with pleasure at the many visits we made with Rotary members around the world. We were particularly delighted to visit the Rotary Club of Calcutta, Old No. 1, during its centennial year. It was a unique experience to travel to the heart of Kolkata to visit the club building, learn of the club’s many projects, and meet Rotarians, Rotaractors, and their family members.
During the Rotary year 2019-2020, we celebrated that Rotary Connects the World! And, for the first three quarters of the year, we were People of Action focused on growing Rotary, on organizing new clubs, on encouraging young leaders, and on emphasizing family within Rotary. We were making great progress in these areas, and we remain People of Action continuing to make great progress.
But, it is in the last quarter of the year that Rotarians and Rotaractors really excelled. Faced with a global health challenge, we have found that remaining connected within our clubs and throughout our world has become a special challenge to us all – how do we maintain and build on our global friendships to stay connected and continue our good works during a global pandemic that requires us to keep a safe distance? We all had to resort to virtual meetings, managing Rotary affairs and humanitarian efforts from the island of our home.
Rotarians and Rotaractors have shown me that true leadership exists not only when times are good, but, more importantly, when times are challenging. One of the 2019-2020 Governors commented that we have “served at a time when we can see the best in people. We saw our Rotary family step up to donate to those in need of food, shelter, and clothing….We were able to accept the generosity of our fellow humanitarians to help with our communities in times of disaster….Most of all, we were able to serve those we know and love and those we will never meet.”
Now, we are experiencing in real time how important it is to create new club experiences. I never expected ALL of us to have to experience this at once, but so much the better! It is my hope that all we accomplished in 2019-2020 will continue in the years ahead. Even more importantly, I hope that the flexibility and adaptability we have shown in these difficult times will make it possible to keep changing in the years ahead.
What we have experienced together last Rotary year is remarkable. The actions of Rotarians and Rotaractors have shown that the world can be made better through Rotary; that some of the good things missing from the world-service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership-are still right here in Rotary waiting for people to embrace them.
During the 2019-2020 Rotary year, Gay and I were connected with Rotarians and Rotaractors around the world. We hope to continue this connection in the years to come. Now more than ever, Rotary Connects the World!
Mark Daniel Maloney
President, Rotary International 2019-2020
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Dear President,
Heartfelt congratulations on 100 years of Rotary Club of Calcutta. What a landmark this has been for your club and through your club, for all of Rotary in India. I compliment your Past Presidents, Centennial President, Centennial Celebration Chairman, and all the Rotarians for the outstanding efforts shown in celebrating the 100 years with new benchmark of service and fellowship activities.
Rotary Calcutta is the lighthouse club of Rotary in Asia and one of the outstanding clubs in the world. The 100 years, despite its challenges because of the pandemic, will set the standards for the coming years for your club. Rotary Calcutta truly lived up to the theme of the year by Connecting to the entire world. Your celebrations at the year end were so well attended by Rotarians from across the world. These Connections, I am sure will Open the Opportunities of Service on a bigger, bet ter and bolder scale. I wish Rotary Calcutta all the very best.
With regards,
Shekhar Mehta
Rotary international President 2021-22
The Year Gone By
Dear Centurion Purnendu and members,
A landmark of 100 years — an occasion of biblical proportions — has been celebrated, focussed upon, been the cause of widespread euphoria, and spawned a new era for Rotary in India.
Amidst this festivity, Rotary Club of Calcutta quietly but firmly made strides in all areas of service to the community. The occasion called for no less, certainly. With the attention of the entire Rotary world especially in India trained on the Old Number One, there was this need to rise to the occasion like heroes and leaders.
Looking back and musing, I find my Centurion — Purnendu — has been a true commandant, with his characteristic humour, his undaunted energy, and desire to make the year all that it should be. Yes, you have led with admirable conviction and an eye for innovation. My immense appreciation for meeting the Centenary challenge with all guns blazing. We will all remember 2019-20 as a very very special year because of your leadership in Rotary Club of Calcutta.
It may have been destined that I should have the fortune and privilege to serve as Governor during this year. I look back at each of my many visits in these last 18 months or so with great fondness, principally because of the warmth I was offered by the members of the club. Since I have this opportunity, I would like to seize it and say a very sincere and heartfelt thank you to each member of the club. Each of you is a gem indeed.
I congratulate you as president and Anusua as secretary for your outstanding performance. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful support rendered to the district by you throughout the year.
For the incoming team led by president Debasish Mitra and secretary Bodhi Brata Das, the path ahead is a challenge also, but for different reasons. I congratulate them and offer my sincerest good wishes to come out with flying colours in the new century of service and fellowship! Rotary OPENS opportunities, but it is up to us to seize them!
With greetings and regards from Mamta and myself,
District Governor 2019-2020.
AREA 'F' RID 3291

Dear President Purnendu,
It was indeed my pleasure and privilege to be associated with the Rotary Club of Calcutta in its Centenary Year as the Deputy District Governor and I am overwhelmed with joy that your club finished as joint winners of the Best Club trophy for the year 2019-20.
Being in Rotary for more than 30 years it was my ardent desire to be linked with your club in this very special year and I am truly indebted to District Governor Ajay Agarwal for giving me this unique opportunity.
I would like to congratulate you and your team for the outstanding work done in this Centenary Year and with your various endeavor, you truly connected the world.
With warmest good wishes,
Yours in Rotary
Dy District Governor – Area ‘F’

My friends and centurion Rotary Club of Calcutta.
First of all i would like to express my feeling of being privileged to be AG of your club, this year.
Yes! Hundred years of Rotary in India, Asia, and for which club!? Yes it’s for your club-ROTARY CLUB OF CALCUTTA and i am with you in this landmark year of Rotary in India, in District 3291.
FRIENDS I felt that you are a great club and the club is as good as the members. You are unique.
My experience was great with the, receptive, cordial and friendly team, with an enthusiastic and smart President in Roychoudhary and soft, efficient, communicative Hon. Secretary Anusua. I took no time to establish a wave length with your team. By meticulous planning your club is serving the community not only in the city but also the remote areas of North Bengal, setting goals to reach the needy people.
Interesting meets, congenial atmosphere, enjoyable fellowships were hallmarks i enjoyed.
Unfortunately due to COVID-Pandemic the last 4 months or so we were all locked down in our homes. Peaking and achieving goals by giving the last quarter thrust was missed, but nevertheless for me a memorable centenary year of being with the centurion Rotary Club of Calcutta.
I wish all of you great success, good health, happiness and hope you will continue to serve humanity.
I end with this shloka—
Om sarve bhavantu sukhina
Om sarve bhavantu niramaya
Om sarve bhadrani pashyantu
Ma kaschid-dhukha-bhaag-bhavet
0m shaantih shaantihshaantih
AG Rampal Widhawan
The Early Years
Professionally, I am an expert in theEnergy and Water / Sanitation /Sewerage sector as a Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers UK, seconded to India as a sector specialist. Late PP Dileep Rohatgi invited me as a guest speaker at an RWM on my experience in the Delhi Jal Board during the period 1999-2002. At that time, Unaccounted for Water (UFW- loss of water) in Calcutta was a current issue — worthy of a specialized talk and this was my subject – the talk was well received and the net result was an induction in Rotary in 2002.
Initially, things were not remarkably interesting! My eureka moment happened with PP Nandita Sen, when quoting my mother I had said “We all work for our own families and but how many of us can make other people smile, like tribal population in Orissa, for example”. That sealed it for me and my life in Community Service in Rotary! Everything now is history. PP Partha Sadhan Bose made me the Community Service Chairperson and we did projects in the Sundarbans partnering with the Rotary Club Of Seattle.Community Chair leadershipfollowed for the next 10 years, and Rotary grew on me with Directorship of Rotary International Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) for six years, Directorship Of Rotary Club of Calcutta for 10 years and now a PP Rotary Club of Calcutta and District 2391 Director of Projects.
Centenary Celebrations
The Centenary Committee was set up in 2015 by PP Ritwik Gupta under the able hand of Rtn Vinay Nevatia as Chairman. Sadly Rtn Vinay suffered ill health and I, Saumen Ray, was given the challenge to lead the committee as Chairman in 2016. The Committee ably guided by PDG Prabhat K Rohatgi, PDG S C Nandy, PP Sutanu Ghosh, PP Late Dileep Rohatgi, and PP Dr S K Sharma and a number of taskforces were set up to handle each and every individual project and event.EventuaIIy, it took us four years to achieve the major projects and services including a number of schools, water and sanitation, hospital, eyecare and a Centennial Bell project apart from various events throughout the celebratory year including a mini-convention. Total project value was Rupee Twenty Crore (USD 3 million).
I led many teams to United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Bangladesh and Europe to build international relationships and to raise funds. Other teams went to Sri Lanka,Hong Kong, China, Philippines, Germany and Netherlands in all covering fifty International Rotary Clubs.
Districts and Rotary Clubs in India
A parallel drive to connect with Clubs in India was afoot domestically in India such as Rotary Clubs in Santiniketan, Delhi, Orissa, Bangalore, and other States of India. An Apex Centenary Body was formed by RIPN Shekhar Mehta and DG Ajay Agarwal, with Rotary Club of Calcutta as a key member. With this we connected with each and every Club in RI Dist 3291.
We visited all our sponsored Clubs in India and Bangladesh and discussed our Centenary Projects and events. They all volunteered to participate. This is exactly what happened on 26th September 2019 our 100th Foundation Day when each and every Sponsored Club was felicitated and recognized in person, in presence of PRIP Kalyan Banerjee, RIP Kamal Sanghvi, RIPN Shekhar Mehta, DG Ajay Agarwal and many PDGs.
Support from Rotary International Leadership
Another most important piece of jigsaw was establishing contacts with Rotary International Leadership and International clubs throughout the world facilitated by the grant of free of charge booths at the Toronto and Hamburg conventions! Innumerable people from all across the world visited our booths. Our Centennial Bell inaugurated in Hamburg resonated again in Kolkata during our celebrations!
The most memorable event was when Rtn Subrata Kumar Basu and I met with RIP Mark Maloney in between his two meetings(in the corridor of Hamburg Convention) and obtained his blessings for our Centenary. This culminated in RIP Mark D Maloney’s video speech in our 100th Charter Day Celebration that took place on 1st January 2020 and his visit to Rotary Sadan on 15th February 2020, accompanied by the first lady Gay and his acceptance of an honorary membership of Rotary Club of Calcutta!
As a result of our globetrotting, some 100 Rotarians from our International Partner Clubs attended our Centennial celebrations in Kolkata form 30th December 2019 to 6th January 2020, through a series of Centennial showcase projects, celebratory events, cultural evening, a Golf Tournament at the Tollygunge Club, a Vintage Car Show, a performance by Boys Scouts, and an International evening in which all our international partner Clubs presented. Most importantly, we had a series of fellowships at Rotary Sadan and the country houses of many Rotarians of our Club, as a warm welcome to our visitors from India and abroad. A galaxy of luminaries, PRIP Raja K Saboo, RID Bharat Pandya, DG Ajay Agarwal, RIPN Shekhar Mehta, WASRAG Chairman: Emeritus Ron Denham, American Consul General: Patti Hoffman addressed the plenary meet in The Grand Hotel.
Rotary India Centennial Summit and Centennial Rotary Clubs
That every problem is an opportunity was proven again at the Hamburg Convention where the Clubs from Shanghai and Manila were also presented as Centenary Clubs in Asia. Whilst Rotary Club of Shanghai had been formed a few months before Rotary Club of Calcutta in 1919, both were closed due to WW 11 for some twenty years. President Purnendu and I took the opportunity to propose a Circle of Centennial Rotary Clubs (CCRC) with Shanghai, Manila and Calcutta as the three ‘Founder’ Charter Clubs. This was formalized during RICS in Feb 2020 in the presence of RIP Mark Maloney and a MOU was signed!President Purnendu and I had the privilege to address the summit.
Britain House of Commons — March 2020
British Parliament invited Rotary Club of Calcutta to House of Commons in Centennial Year with RIP Mark Daniel Maloney as Chief Guest, on the theme of “Every Last Child for a Polio Free World”. 150 people attended, Rotarians and others, and I had the privilege to be attending as Centenary Chair.
A matter of great pride for me is to have been invited as a guest speaker in a Rotary District Conference in the UK.
Future Vision
Currently, during the Centenary of Rotary Club of Calcutta we are undertaking projects in units of hundreds and thousands, but in another hundred years we will be doing projects in units of millions. This is our Vision. Now, how do we achieve this! The New Generation Rotarian is the key to success.
So who constitute the New Generation Rotarian? These are those that can integrate service activities with professional and family lives. The unfortunate appearance of COVID 19 has had a silver lining. Work-from-home has achieved such an integration, albeit forced. The use of technology is bringing Rotarians of the world closer to each other through more frequent connection – through Zoom, for example. We are thinking globally and acting locally.
It is my fond hope to be reborn and serve Rotary two generations from now so we participate in the next centenary!
Until then, Rotary greetings to all of you and our beneficiaries – giving us all the opportunity to serve.
Rotary Club of Calcutta – always reach for the top!
Centenary Chair
Rotary Club of Calcutta
Director Project District 3291
Director Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) 2011-17
Director Project District 3291
Director Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) 2011-17
Nothing is beyond the reach of desires. Celebrating a Centenary is no ordinary affair. The word Centenary itself evokes a lot of expectations and that burden will always push a team to scale insurmountable peaks.
Let’s rewind the clock back to Jul 2019 – subtle tension was palpable while we were planning, the year-long plan on paper was shrouded in the cloud of ifs and buts. We had a common factor — a strong desire to do something very special for our loving club, Asia’s Old Number One – Rotary Club of Calcutta. After a year, here we are, celebrating a year well spent and yes, the success corroborates age-old truth “Nothing is beyond the reach of the desires”. Now, I am in a celebratory mood and looking back and introspecting on the whole centenary year from a vantage point with two sets of lenses in my eyes. You would be curious to know about those two lenses.
The centena ear throu h the lenses of the Honorary Secretary — A year with a topsy turvy ride where everyone expected nothing but success on every count, I am glad we came good on every occasion. As part of the core team, I was fortunate to witness the genesis of this success with the leadership prowess of CYP Rtn.Purnendu Roy Chowdhury—his meticulous planning, composed mind and clairvoyance drove us like a guided missile with high target accuracy. I learnt perseverance from Centenary Chair Rtn. Saumen Ray, his unwavering faith in pursuing a centenary agenda can be a guiding reference for any future mega event. I realised that you need to be lucky to get adequate, timely support from the District officials, with respectable-supportive Rtn Ajay Agarwal as District Governor, we were blessed, his continuous support and encouragement added spark to the entire team.
The centenary year through the lenses of a Rotarian — I was anxiously waiting for the centenary year to arrive to make me a proud Rotarian of a 100 year old club. I realised that there were hundreds of other Rotarians waiting for the magical moment to arrive, keen to bask in the glory of our revered Club. Personally, I had not felt that so many Rotarians could proactively participate in year-long activities with such vigour — the centenary year-end 7 day-long programme was glaring evidence to support that. Every event in the year was like a scripted picture-perfect dream, we were all waiting for a gala closure , then suddenly the pandemic struck, but, we were unstoppable and determined to end the year on a high note. All the members adapted to the new-normal way of meeting digitally and we even did Members’ Nite on Zoom platform with panache.
I am taking pride in the year that went by, feeling euphoric and enthralled by a colossal sense of achievement. I recollect a famous quote by John C. Maxwell “The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement”.Without the able guidance of CYP, Past Presidents, senior Rotarians and Board of Directors this year would not have been an unbound saga of success, fellowship and philanthropy. Lastly, the infinite energy of First lady Sucharita and R-Anns, proactiveness of Rotarians, Chairpersons of the committees made the year a milestone to remember! Signing off with a smiling heart, my heartfelt gratitude and warm regards to all of you!
As a Rotarian for over 18 years I have witnessed much of Rotary, by Rotary and for Rotary. I got the privilege of meeting many stalwart as visitors, speakers as well as members. While I witnessed the extent of giving, broadmindedness and openness of hearts as if it had no limits, I also saw the darker side of unimaginable dearth of the basic amenities of life, as if that too had no limits and could not have been worse.
Rotary for me has always been an “Eye Opener” as well as a “Heart Opener”. It gave me an in depth, hands on exposure to that part of the society which otherwise I was sure to have missed out on, in my life. I may have travelled extensively throughout the world and tasted the best of cuisines, but my journey through the lives of those not so privileged would have remained incomplete and famished without Rotary.
Rotary has been instrumental in nurturing the philanthropic attribute of my nature and filling me with empathy for those who desperately needed a helping hand, and as I felt the heart wrenching pain within, I learned to count my blessings.
The greatest lesson that Rotary taught me is never to complain for anything in life as long as we have health, home, family, food and education and to always have gratitude for it. Most of the people that Rotary reaches out to either have one or none of the above. Rotary is a platform for experience and exposure to the darker side of society which perhaps is missed out by many in life and I feel life is incomplete unless we have seen both sides. So I have learnt to SMILE and SMILE ALWAYS!!
As the Honorary Secretary, I had deeper involvement with Club matters and gained an intense insight into the functioning of the club besides immense experience under the leadership of Rtn. Sushil Bagla.
Over and above, I consider myself privileged to be part of this – once in lifetime- “Centennial Celebration” of the Rotary Club of Calcutta, under the outstanding leadership of the Centennial President Rtn. Purnendu Roychowdhury, our highly efficient Hony. Secy. Anusua Das, the passionate and dedicated Centenary Chair Rtn. Saumen Ray and the team.
They meticulously curated and presented a plethora of events to create history that shall not only be remembered, but cherished as fond memories th for many years to come. The height of success of the 100th Foundation Day, the Goodwill visits to the Rotary Clubs of Bangkok and Shanghai and formation of the Circle of Centenary Rotary Clubs with Manila and Shanghai is only the tip of the iceberg.
The dynamic President successfully built up the euphoria amongst members through various projects and fun – filled events that brought the whole world together including the RI President Mark Maloney and First Lady Gay amongst other eminent personalities, manifesting the Rotary theme of the year-“Rotary Connects The World”.
Last but not the least I owe my allegiance to Rtn. Kanak Dutt and can never thank him enough for introducing Rotary to me.
Dear Centurion President Purnendu,
I am glad to share my thoughts with you for your year book. It is a great idea in the series of many you already have implemented!
It has been my pleasure and privilege, to be the First lady of our illustrious RI District 3291 with Ajay as the District Governor, and to get a chance to be with the Rotarians of the Old Number ONE!
It is our good luck that we got to serve in 2019-20 when one of our own clubs in RID 3291 was creating history by celebrating the landmark of 100 years of its existence in India.
Likewise, it has been your good luck too to serve your club this year and enjoy the rare privilege of being the Centenary President. After all, it will take another 100 years for another Centenary President to be in the same league.
Purnendu, with such pleasures comes greater responsibilities, and you indeed have shouldered them with great distinction.
According to me none could have been more suitable than you to lead your club this year. I have observed you conducting the club meetings and events and have admired the way you have presented yourself and your club. You have been easy, authoritative, charming, witty, flamboyant and simple. Your astute planning and innovative ideas to make this landmark year worthwhile has paid off well. Past President Soumen Ray has lent you good support and has been with you like a shadow.
I appreciate the way Sucharita and you have shown great respect and admiration for both of us. You have involved us in every function of your club and we too have drawn great satisfaction from each of them.
For me the afternoon, when the leaders of all the three levels of Rotary shared the dias together on 15th February 2020 shall remain very special. Coming together of World Rotary President Mark and Gay Maloney, District Governor Ajay and yours truly and President of RC Calcutta, you and Sucharita was a picture perfect in itself. It turned out to be one of the most memorable occasions and shall stay etched in my memory for a long time to come.
The most humble tribute to Rotary by the “Old Number One” was to sponsor another Rotary Club, “Rotary Club of Calcutta Centenary”. You planned a holistic “To do list” for the year, keeping in mind all aspects of Rotary and its ethos and had some great fellowships and meaningful projects.
It takes a lot (and I mean it), to lead a club of 100 years with more than 250 members and most of them being senior to you. My congratulations to all your members once again and compliments to you to come out as a winner with much élan!!
A spouse’s role in Rotary is extremely important and Rotary gives full weightage to the role of the First Lady. Sucharita as First lady has subtly been around you all along, mostly incognito and appearing at a crucial time. Her quiet demeanor and soft smile has made things easy for you. She truly deserves all the accolades with you!! I am sure she is happy and satisfied by her own contribution to the successful completion of this celebratory year!
Kudos to the Old No.ONE for giving the members of Rotary in India a reason to celebrate and feel proud of it.
Wish you all a new beginning with 101st year in Rotary!
With best wishes,
Mamta Agarwal
Kolkata being one of our favorite cities in the world, always unfolds something new and exciting to us!
As the President of Rotary Club of Dhaka MahaNagar in RY 2019-20, I had the privilege to lead a team of vibrant fellow MahaNagarians to Kolkata; the highlight of that trip was visit to the Centenary Celebration of Rotary Club of Calcutta. Important historical fact of Rotary Club of Calcutta intrigued us, the club was installed on the 26th September 1919 and received its Charter on 1st January 1920 (Charter No. 58). At its inception it was the only Rotary Club between the English Channel and South China viz. Manila and Shanghai, both installed in 1919, a few months after Calcutta. However both the Manila and Shanghai Clubs had to suspend activities due to the Second World War and other reasons. This makes Rotary Club of Calcutta the longest continuing Rotary Club in Asia with 100 years of uninterrupted service; They then sponsored Rotary Club of Dhaka and with that began Rotary journey of Bangladesh.
We are gratful to the President of RC Calcutta, RY 2019-20, Rtn. Purnendu RoyChowdhury for inviting our club to the centenary celebrations. The Bangladesh team was led by PDG Sam Showkat; We also had fellow Rotarians from Rotary Club of Dhaka and others at the event.
As a young club our aspiration is to do meaningful projects and leave a mark with its positive impact on the quality of life of people of our country. We feel inspired by the many landmark projects of RC Calcutta; their oldest project “Annual Children’s Treat” which brings a day of sunshine for the underprivileged children. Centennial President Purnendu’s contribution towards completion of the four primary schools is exemplary. RC Calcutta led the formation of “Circle of Centennial Clubs”! To add to the feather, Rotary International President Mark Maloney was made the honorary member of the club this centenary year.
Interestingly RC Dhaka MahaNagar has almost sixty percent lady members! We decided to wear our traditional Bangladeshi Jamdani Saris in various colours for the special occasion, which attracted a lot of attention from the fellow Rotarians. We were delighted to present Jamdani to Rotary-Ann Mrs. Rashi Mehta and Mrs.Roy Chowdhury.
On the 100th Foundation Day of RC Calcutta, it was a grand event at a city hotel. We received a warm welcome and lot of special care from all the Rotarians present. RC Dhaka MahaNagar members were touched by the warm hospitality of RC Calcutta, specially their President, whom we now know by his first name “Purnendu” . It was also a great pleasure to meet with, PRIP Kalyan Banerjee and PRID Rtn. Shekhar Mehta. We exchanged pleasantries and extended greetings from our club and from District 3281.
My connection with Kolkata “The City of Joy” would have been incomplete without this special fellowship with the Rotarians. This friendship will bind us and our clubs together, through many decades we hope. We wish Rotary Club of Calcutta grand success always!
Dear Rotarians and their beautiful Annes,
On our journey together as a group in the Centenary year, we shared many moments of uncertainty, anxiety, fun and laughter.
Starting with attending the Rotary Convention in Hamburg, then Installation in HHI, ‘Agomoni’, Foundation Day 26th September, Sri Lankan trip, attending international celebrations in Bangkok, Shanghai to organising the antakshari / fellowship at our Garden House to taking an active part in the 3 day mega centennial celebrations on New Years’ Eve and moving onto meeting the State Governor to being appreciated by Rotary International President Mark Maloney… everything just feels like a dream right now. The icing on the cake will remain the best ‘Virtual Members’ Nite’!
All priceless memories! Thank you for making this Rotary year so much fun. We shared a season of our lives, but every season has to end. Nonetheless, with each season that ends, another is ushered in. And today we are standing at the edge of a cliff with a sea of possibilities below us. All that is required is a leap of faith to experience the exhilaration of being in “Rotary”.
So let us pour all our positivity and energy into every moment of our life and we will soon have a garden of great memories and achievements. I wish Debashis and his team plus Sambi (they will definitely need her) all the best for the upcoming year. A special heartfelt thank you to Roshnidi, Ranjanadi, Sonal, Renuka, Debasish Biswas, AB4 for all their support round the year.
Cheers to more Celebrations!!!!
11th June, 2020