

My Late Father Santi Ranjan Mitra initiated me into Rotary. He was a Past President of Rotary Club of Guwahati which was sponsored by Rotary Club of Calcutta in 1955. At his insistence I joined the Rotary Club of Guwahati and served as the Secretary & Vice President of the Club. I also served as the District Treasurer of R.I District 3240. Subsequently I was part of delegation of our Rotary Club of Calcutta which visited the Guwahati Club. The welcome extended by the Club to the members of o u r  c l u b was memorable with Bihu Dance performance by the Members of Rotary Club of Guwahati being one of the highlights.

I have had the privilege of being a Member of Rotary Club of Calcutta since 04th November, 2003. On joining the club, it was difficult for me to assimilate in the early years as I did not know many members. Once I started participating in various Rotary projects of the club t h i n g s  c h a n g e d dramatically. I made friends, started enjoying the fellowships & got satisfaction from serving the underprivileged. I was made the Chairman of International Services Committee and Global Grants became my forte. During my tenure a team of French artists performed as part of International Evening at Rotary Sadan. I served as the Secretary of the Club in the year 2012-13 under the Presidentship of Rtn. Abhijit Kolay. He taught me how to stay calm when facing challenges. With Rtn. Kolay at the helm my term remained extremely smooth.

The attachment of my family to this Club ensured that my interest in Club activities continued even while not holding any position. My children & my spouse, Sambi have been participating in most of the Members’ Nites.

The Members of this club, especially the seniors have left a lasting impression on me. Being a President – Elect in the Centenary year was a memorable experience as one could see the club being treated as the Holy Grail of Rotary in India. During this year I was also given the responsibility Of delivering pre-induction talks to our future members. This assignment made me delve deeply into the history of our Club & the significance of the Rotary Movement. The legacy of Rotary Club of Calcutta is now permanently etched in my mind. My visits to the club archives have become more frequent.

As I embark on the journey of being the President of this august Club for the year 2020-21, I look forward to the support & guidance of all the members.

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